Next came the mast, then the rigging and sails. It didn't take long before s/v Gemini started looking like a proper sailboat and became fully operational again. With the help of Jason and my dad, Gemini got certified seaworthy before we even wore out our welcome at the crane loading area. So long... Long Beach.
Its about 95 NM from Long Beach to San Diego, depending on how you draw the track line. This is an opportunity to test everything out and see how she sails. The weather forecast for the cruise down the coast calls for light winds and smooth seas... and dolphins, of course! We couldn't ask for a nicer way to start this voyage.
When the winds are too light for sailing, sometimes you have to use the motor. Gemini has a diesel engine and so it got put to the test and passed. Running just a little warm for some reason we decide not to push the engine until we get in to port and can check out the cooling system.
Damn, we're right in the middle of the kelp! But Gemini's full keel just plows right through and we're not slowed down a bit. Sailing into San Diego Bay in the darkness, we know exactly where to go. The public dock is wide open and we take the most convenient spot... Gemini's home for the next few weeks.