Join the Crew!

Learn to sail aboard s/v Gemini!

s/v Gemini always needs brave crew with no experience necessary. If you happen to be at or will be travelling to an area where we are cruising, we invite you to join the crew and be part of an unforgettable journey. The skipper of s/v Gemini is a licensed Captain and an American Sailing Association (ASA) sailing instructor and conducts sailing courses from beginner to advanced levels through the Aoki Yacht School. 

To become a crew member of s/v Gemini, we would appreciate your help with making Project Gemini-Pacific possible. With your support, we are able to cover operating expenses and maintain s/v Gemini in the most seaworthy and comfortable condition as possible for our crew.

$180.00 donation / group (Or $35 per person, 2 person minimum) 
Group of up to 6 passengers for 2 hour "Discover Sailing" / sunset cruise     
-Cruise departs about 1 hour before sunset, includes light snacks and introductory sailing lesson     
-Contact Greg for details and to schedule a cruise.

$320.00 donation / group (Or $55 per person, 2 person minimum)
Group of up to 6 passengers for 4 hour "Discover Sailing" / half day cruise
-Cruise departs at 10am, returns at 2pm, includes snacks and introductory sailing lesson, possibly anchoring, swimming, snorkeling...
-Contact Greg for details and to schedule a cruise.

$440.00 donation / group (Or $75 per person, 2 person minimum) 
Group of up to 6 passengers for 6 hour "Discover Sailing" / full day cruise     
-Cruise departs at 9AM, returns at 3PM, includes snacks and introductory sailing lesson, possibly anchoring, swimming, snorkeling...    
-Contact Greg for details and to schedule a cruise.

$350.00 donation / person     
Individual ASA instruction for the level of Coastal Navigation 105
-Price includes course materials
-View the syllabus here
-Summary: This course meets for 2 evenings for about 2 - 3 hours each session. The first session is a study and practice session and the second session is the written test. Individual self study is highly recommended. The official ASA course book, training chart, self study DVD and navigation materials are available from ASA. The reference text, Dutton's Navigation is Greg's personal recommendation only.
-Please see the ASA website or contact Greg for more information.     

$475.00 donation / person     
Individual ASA instruction for the level of Basic Keelboat 101
-Price includes course materials and complimentary access to s/v Gemini
-View the 2 day format syllabus here or the combined 101 / 103 format syllabus here 
-Includes 1 year membership to ASA!
-Summary: The ASA Basic Keelboat 101 course can be done in two full days (Sat & Sun 9-5), or as part of a combination 101/103 course on a bigger boat. The ASA BKB 101 course covers all basic boating topics, including fundamental sailing theory and is a NASBLA approved "safe boating course" for licensing and insurance purposes.
-Please see the ASA website or contact Greg for more information.

$480.00 donation / person     
Individual ASA instruction for the level of Basic Coastal Cruising 103
-Price includes course materials and complimentary access to s/v Gemini
-View the syllabus here
-Summary: The ASA Basic Coastal Cruising 103 course gets sailors venturing further away from the marina. In this course, sailors learn how to sail when the wind picks up, how to explore further destinations and how to anchor when they get there. This course meets all day Saturday and Sunday.
-Please see the ASA website or contact Greg for more information.

$860.00 donation / person     
Individual ASA instruction: combination 101 and 103 level sailing course
-Price includes course materials and complimentary access to s/v Gemini
-View the syllabus here
-Includes 1 year membership to ASA!
-Summary: The combination 101/103 sailing course is a good value package for sailors who want to sail aboard a bigger boat and start cruising from the start. Some people already have some sailing experience, so the 101/103 combination course is a good way to jump into the ASA program and validate your knowledge of 101 material. This course meets for 2 weekday afternoon/evenings and then all day Saturday and Sunday.     
-Please see the ASA website or contact Greg for more information.     
-Please note: The Basic Keelboat 101 course is generally offered as a 101 and 103 combination course on s/v Gemini.

$520.00 donation / person (up to 3 days of sailing, + $100/day per person for extended voyage)     
Individual ASA instruction for the level of Bareboat Chartering 104
-Price includes course materials and complimentary access to s/v Gemini
-View the syllabus here
-Summary: The ASA Bareboat Chartering 104 course is a real sailing adventure around Hawaii! The crew meets in the evening, prior to the voyage to plan and then departs early the next morning for their planned destination. The choices of destinations are up to the crew and may include Kaneohe Bay, Oahu's North Shore or possibly Maui, Molokai or further depending on the weather and with consultation with the Captain. While cruising around Hawaii, the crew will learn how to plan a sailing voyage, navigation, all about boat systems and how to live aboard a boat. Plenty of time is allowed for enjoying the ride and exploring the destination! 
-Please see the ASA website or contact Greg for more information.

$650.00 donation / person  (up to 5 days of sailing, + $100/day per person for extended voyage)   
Individual ASA instruction for the level of Advanced Coastal Cruising 106
-Price includes course materials and complimentary access to s/v Gemini
-View the syllabus here
-Summary: The ASA Advanced Coastal Cruising 106 course is the ultimate sailing adventure around Hawaii! The course is conducted similar to BBC 104, but more time is allowed which puts all the Hawaiian islands and anchorages in Kauai and the Big Island within range. Advanced sailing topics are covered in this standard and the written test is quite challenging!
-Please see the ASA website or contact Greg for more information.

* クラスのために日本語で、どうかここで訪問してください。
For sailing courses in Japanese, please visit here.

To sign up for a sailing course or cruise, please first contact Greg to confirm scheduling. Then download/ review the syllabus above and purchase your textbooks and reference materials from the affiliate store links above. If there is not enough time before the class to order textbooks by mail, arrangements might be made to get your books by other means- please contact Greg.

Policies, Procedures, Disclaimers and Liability Release


Please note: Requested donation amounts are in U.S. dollars and are requested only of U.S. citizens. The ASA course curriculum referred to on this page is in the English language and a different program may be offered, in association with local sailing schools for local national citizens, in accordance with local laws.

Please note: S/V Gemini is not a charter vessel for hire and we do not accept payment for services or passage aboard this vessel. All passengers and crew aboard s/v Gemini are personal guests of the skipper. Any monetary exchange related to passage aboard s/v Gemini is considered to be a voluntary donation to the non-profit Project Gemini Pacific which covers administrative fees for sailing instruction, helps pay for the costs of a sailing excursion and upkeep of s/v Gemini. We appreciate your voluntary donation to Project Gemini Pacific. To reserve your space on the crew list, please make your donation at anytime prior to a sailing class. In the event that a sailing class is cancelled by the skipper due to weather or other circumstances, your donation is 100% refundable. If crew must cancel participation prior to a scheduled sailing class, please notify Greg as soon as possible and at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled sailing class for a full refund of your donation. To make a donation to Project Gemini Pacific, please use the PayPal links above or see Greg in person.